hello weekend

burkatron lifestyle blog

oh friday you've been missed. i don't have many plans this weekend which i'm mega excited about, an uneventful weekend is the best sometimes! i'm going to get my eyes tested again tomorrow so i can (finally) get contact lenses- huzzah. i caved and put on my central heating last night, jon snow was right winter is coming so hot chocolate and candle burning is pretty high on my agenda the next few days.

i feel like i should go shopping for winter things too, you know like cosy socks and blankets. i get excited about that stuff so maybe i'll sneak that in somewhere...?

have a lovely couple of days!

back soon

caroline x


  1. Hahah the little hands freaked me out so much I didn't even want to carry on clicking ahahaaa!

    Cityscape Bliss // 7 books that will give you goosebumps (like, REALLY bad!)

  2. Michelle Obama - what a lady!

    - Natalie

  3. Love this! Hope you have a great weekend x

    Millie x

  4. Those little soaps are so creepy actually lmao.
    And omg this salted caramel chocolate cake... Must try.


    Renaud | http://xxmuchlove.blogspot.com

  5. You're so right a lazy weekend with no plans is sometimes just what you need after a busy week! Our heating is most definitely on and I'm burning through several candles / tubs of hot chocolate per week!

    Love these bits you've recommended - That video is hilarious (so brilliantly done!) and oh my goodness SALTED CARAMEL FILLED MOLTEN CHOCOLATE CAKES! They look and sound incredible! I also really like the post on saying no - some good tips in there!

    Hope you're enjoying your lovely weekend!

    Josie // JosieVictoriaa

  6. Uneventful weekends are the best kinda weekends ;)

    Vivian | LIVE . IN . LOVE


  7. I love those little creepy hands hahaha! Also that Tump/Clinton video is the best thing I've seen today. Have a great weekend - I too will be doing nothing :-)

    Abiee | abieelucas.com



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