lifestyle | john lewis secret santa

give with love christmas campaign

some people mark the arrival of christmas when the coca cola ad comes on but not me.. mine kicks off with the arrival of the john lewis ad- its way better in my book!

have you watched the man on the moon yet? I cried like a damn baby (they get me every year.) festive tear jerkers aside I have a fun secret to share- I'm taking part in another john lewis give with love campaign, hurrah.

in a few days I'll be finding out who I'm buying for. (what follows entails lots of blog stalking so I can get a good idea of what they like and what type of style they have.) then comes the fun... I get to pick out a present I think they'll love. 

I'm pretty excited to find out who my secret santa is.. stay tuned and I'll share my own secret santa with you soon!

are you involved in a secret santa this year- do you love them too?

caroline x


  1. What a great campaign, look forward to seeing how you get on!

    Hannah | Oh January

  2. This sounds brilliant! How exciting - I love secret santas. You're right - it's officially Christmas celebration time - I did indeed tear up quite considerabley!

    josievictoriaa / fashion, travel and lifestyle

  3. Really love the packaging, and I surprisingly haven't seen the advert yet, can't wait to find out the secret Santa x

    Millie x

  4. How exciting! definitely a festive thing to do!

    Rachel x

  5. I'm part of this campaign too and I'm so excited to spread a bit of Christmas cheer!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. love &otherstories candles, such good value compared to other Bougie candles!

  8. Aah every year their advert makes me cry somehow. But it's a lovely message that they're giving. I will be making sure my nanny and grandad are deluged with Christmas cards and letters this Christmas as they love getting post. <3



Caroline Burke | Burkatron. Theme by STS.